

  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, & Leus Roel, 2024, Maximizing the net present value of a project under uncertainty: Activity delays and dynamic policies, European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming. (DOI).
  • Beyer Dìaz Stephanie, Coussement Kristof, De Caigny Arno, Pérez Luis Fernando, & Creemers Stefan, 2024, Do the US president's tweets better predict oil prices? An empirical examination using long short-term memory networks, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 62, no. 6., pp. 2158 - 2175. (DOI).
  • De Moor Bram, Creemers Stefan, & Boute Robert, 2023, Breaking truck dominance in supply chains: Proactive freight consolidation and modal split transport, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 257. (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Boute Robert, 2022, The joint replenishment problem: Optimal policy and exact evaluation method, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 302, no. 3., pp. 1175 - 1188. (PDF) (erratum) (DOI).
  • Van den Broeke Maud, Devoldere Bart, Creemers Stefan, & Boute Robert, 2021, Product platform replacement: Impact of performance objectives, innovation speed, and competition, International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 21 - 41. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, Lambrecht Marc, Beliën Jeroen, & Van den Broeke Maud, 2021, Evaluation of appointment scheduling rules: A multi-performance measurement approach, OMEGA, vol. 100, pp. 1 - 15. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2019, The preemptive stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 277, no. 1, pp. 238 - 247. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, Wei Wenchao, & Leus Roel, 2019, Sequential testing of n-out-of-n systems: Precedence theorems and exact methods, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 274, no. 3, pp. 876 - 885. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, & Leus Roel, 2019, Precedence theorems and dynamic programming for the single-machine weighted tardiness problem, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272, no. 1, pp. 43 - 49. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE & dataset) (solutions).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2018, Moments and distribution of the net present value of a serial project, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 267, no. 3, pp. 835 - 848. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2018, Maximizing the expected net present value of a project with phase-type distributed activity durations: An efficient globally optimal solution procedure, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 267, no. 1, pp. 16 - 22. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE, dataset, & solutions).
  • Melchiors Philipp, Leus Roel, Creemers Stefan, & Kolisch Rainer, 2018, Dynamic order acceptance and capacity planning in a stochastic multi-project environment with a bottleneck resource, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 56, no. 1 - 2, pp. 459 - 475. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Padilla Tinoco Silvia Valeria, Creemers Stefan, & Boute Robert, 2017, Collaborative shipping under different cost-sharing agreements, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 263, no. 3, pp. 827 - 837. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, Woumans Gert, Boute Robert, & Beliën Jeroen, 2017, Tri-Vizor uses an efficient algorithm to identify collaborative shipping opportunities, Interfaces, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 244 - 259. (PDF) (DOI) (movie).
  • Beliën Jeroen, Boute Robert, Creemers Stefan, De Bruecker Philippe, Gijsbrechts Joren, & Padilla Tinoco Silvia Valeria, 2017, Collaborative shipping in the sharing economy, OR/MS Today, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 20 - 24. (cover story). (PDF) (DOI).
  • Woumans Gert, De Boeck Liesje, Beliën Jeroen, & Creemers Stefan, 2016, A column generation approach for solving the examination-timetabling problem, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 253, no. 1, pp. 178 - 194. (PDF) (DOI) (dataset) (solutions).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2015, Minimizing the expected makespan of a project with stochastic activity durations under resource constraints, Journal of Scheduling, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 263 - 273. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE) (dataset).
  • Creemers Stefan, De Reyck Bert, & Leus Roel, 2015, Project planning with alternative technologies in uncertain environments, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 242, no. 2, pp. 465 - 476. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE & dataset).
  • Creemers Stefan, Defraeye Mieke, & Van Nieuwenhuyse Inneke, 2014, G-RAND: A phase-type approximation for the nonstationary G(t)/G(t)/s(t)+G(t) queue, Performance Evaluation, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 102 - 123. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE & dataset).
  • Creemers Stefan, Demeulemeester Erik, & Van de Vonder Stijn, 2014, A new approach for quantitative risk analysis, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 213, no. 1, pp. 27 - 65. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, Beliën Jeroen, & Lambrecht Marc, 2012, The optimal allocation of server time slots over different classes of patients, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 219, no. 3, pp. 508 - 521. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Boute Robert N., Colen Pieter J., Creemers Stefan, Noblesse Ann, & Van Houdt Benny, 2012, Matrix-analytic methods in supply chain management: Recent developments, Review of Business and Economics Literature, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 283 - 302. (PDF).
  • Lambrecht Marc, Creemers Stefan, Boute Robert, & Leus Roel, 2011, Extending the production dice game, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 1460 - 1472. (PDF) (DOI) (site) (stand-alone EXE).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2011, The modeling of interrupts and unplanned absences in health care operations, Supply Chain Forum, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 32 - 40. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2010, Queueing models for appointment-driven systems, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 155 - 172. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, Leus Roel, & Lambrecht Marc, 2010, Scheduling Markovian PERT networks to maximize the net present value, Operations Research Letters, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 51 - 56. (PDF) (DOI) (EXE) (dataset).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2009, An advanced queueing model to analyze appointment-driven service systems, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 2773 - 2785. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan, Lambrecht Marc, & Vandaele Nico, 2007, Queueing models in healthcare, Review of Business and Economics Literature, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 471 - 479. (PDF).

Book chapters

  • Creemers Stefan, Van de Vonder Stijn, & Demeulemeester Erik, 2015, Ranking Indices for Mitigating Project Risks, in Schwindt Christoph & Zimmermann Jürgen (eds.): Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling, vol. 2, pp. 1135 - 1153. (PDF) (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2011, Modeling a Hospital Queueing Network, in Boucherie Richard J. & van Dijk Nico M. (eds.): Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach, pp. 767 - 798. (PDF) (DOI).


  • Creemers Stefan, 2020, Project scheduling with maximum eNPV objective, HDR Dissertation, Université de Lille, pp. 99. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2009, Appointment-driven queueing systems, PhD Dissertation, KU Leuven, pp. 203. (PDF).


  • Boute Robert, Van Steendam Tom, & Creemers Stefan, 2017, B-Kay Tech: Horizontal Collaboration in Logistics, Ivey case, 9B17D017.

Research Reports

  • Creemers Stefan & Pérez Luis Fernando, 2024, Discrete optimization: A quantum revolution?, SSRN Research Report, SSRN, pp. 59. (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Pérez Luis Fernando, 2023, Discrete optimization: Limitations of existing quantum algorithms, SSRN Research Report, SSRN, pp. 34. (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Pérez Luis Fernando, 2023, Discrete optimization: A quantum revolution (Part II), SSRN Research Report, SSRN, pp. 28. (DOI).
  • Creemers Stefan & Pérez Luis Fernando, 2022, Discrete optimization: A quantum revolution (Part I), SSRN Research Report, SSRN, pp. 32. (DOI).
  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, Wei Wenchao, & Leus Roel, 2018, Sequential testing of n-out-of-n systems: Precedence theorems and exact methods, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1806, pp. 26. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2017, Two sequencing problems: Equivalence, optimal solution, and state-of-the-art results, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1720, pp. 10. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2017, Maximizing the expected net present value of a project with phase-type distributed activity durations: An efficient globally optimal solution procedure, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1718, pp. 19. (PDF).
  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, & Leus Roel, 2017, Precedence theorems and dynamic programming for the single-machine weighted tardiness problem, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1715, pp. 21. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2016, The preemptive stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem: An efficient globally optimal solution procedure, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1626, pp. 25. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2016, Moments and distribution of the NPV of a project, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1623, pp. 32. (PDF).
  • Rostami Salim, Creemers Stefan, & Leus Roel, 2016, New benchmark results for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1602, pp. 37. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, 2015, Minimizing the expected makespan of a project with stochastic activity durations under resource constraints, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1507, pp. 28. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, De Reyck Bert, & Leus Roel, 2013, Project planning with alternative technologies in uncertain environments, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1314, pp. 32. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, Defraeye Mieke, & Van Nieuwenhuyse Inneke, 2013, A Markov model for measuring service levels in nonstationary G(t)/G(t)/s(t)+G(t) queues, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1306, pp. 31. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, Colen Pieter, & Lambrecht Marc, 2012, Evaluation of appointment scheduling rules: A multi-performance measures approach, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1207, pp. 33. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, Beliën Jeroen, & Lambrecht Marc, 2011, The optimal allocation of server time slots over different classes of patients, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1122, pp. 44. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, Demeulemeester Erik, & Van de Vonder Stijn, 2010, A new approach for quantitative risk analysis, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1029, pp. 27. (PDF).
  • Lambrecht Marc, Creemers Stefan, Boute Robert, & Leus Roel, 2010, Extending the production dice game, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_1005, pp. 16. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan, Leus Roel, & Lambrecht Marc, 2008, Scheduling Markovian PERT networks with maximum-NPV objective, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_0811, pp. 12. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2008, Queueing models for appointment-driven systems, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_0805, pp. 31. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2008, Healthcare queueing models, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_0804, pp. 49. (PDF).
  • Creemers Stefan & Lambrecht Marc, 2007, Modeling a healthcare system as a queueing network:The case of a Belgian hospital, KU Leuven FEB Research Report, KBI_0710, pp. 55. (PDF).